Monday 30 March 2015

What the FORK!!!!!

There are 5 humans living in my house (4 of us can wipe our own butts), but at this present time we only have 4 forks, 5 spoons and two butter knives to eat with. Where in the world did all my eating utensils go????

Apparently Mr. I don't know  and Mrs. It wasn't me is at it again.  How does a family lose hundreds of forks, spoons & knives each year. I take your food out, put it on a plate, bring it to the table, hand you the appropriate utensils to eat with and all I ask is that when your finish you throw whatever food remains on your plate in the garbage......................OMG, IN THE GARBAGE. ALL MY FORKS, SPOONS & KNIVES ARE IN THE GARBAGE. (Who Knew????).

These kids literally throw everything in the garbage. I'm surprised we still have plates and bowls. GREAT, the one time anyone every listens to me is costing me hundreds of dollars a year.

I just bought a new eating utensil set, but that will stay in the box. Starting tomorrow everyone is getting a Plastic Fork, Spoon, Knife with their name on it. You lose it, you eat with your hands. Who am I kidding, they would love that.

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