Monday 2 March 2015

3pm already???

From the moment my alarm goes off at 7:12am every morning I begin my daily count down to 3pm.
I have exactly 40 minutes to get Tonio ready for school. Now this would be a breeze if I had a normal 3 year old. But God thought it would be entertaining to send me an over active, opinionated, picky, loud, 3 year old.  Every Sunday night I plan out a morning routine for the week. By Wednesday morning that routine is long forgotten and I'm left running around the house like a chicken without a head.

7:12 - Wake up to alarm or Husband telling me "It's time to get up"
7:20 - Finally get out of bed
7:22 - Try to get Tonio into the bathroom to brush teeth and wash face
7:27 - Give up and brush my own teeth and wash face
7:30 - Ask Tonio what he wants for breakfast (Eggs or Pancakes) as he begins taking out all the toys in his room
7:34 - Finally get an answer after much negotiations. Begins to prepare breakfast.
7:40 - While making breakfast I pack Tonio's lunch while he continues to pull out Toys and brings them into the kitchen
7:45 - Breakfast is ready, Lunch is packed
7:48 - Tonio begins to eat breakfast while he argues with me about what color shirt he wants to wear
7:54 - I realize Tonio is going to be late, so I begin to dress him while he eats.
7:58 - OH SNAP... He still hasn't brushed his teeth. Rush him to the bathroom to brush his teeth/wash his face.
8:00 - Finish getting Tonio dressed (Lotion skin, brush hair, etc)
8:05 - He is finally out the door after I take the 3 cars and extra snacks out his book bag.
8:10 - Clean up kitchen, put away toys, make bottle for 3 month old and put on tea kettle
8:15 thru 2:50pm is ONE BIG BLUR

Now I know your thinking... WHY DON'T YOU JUST WAKE UP EARLIER???
If I woke up earlier it would take the excitement out of my morning...DUHHHH


  1. Love it!!!!!!! I know you didnt describe him to be a mess!!!!!

    1. He really is Autistic. There are different forms of Autism.

    2. I am glad you like the blog.
