Thursday 5 March 2015

1 Kid, 2 Kids, 3 Kids Babysitter No MORE.....

So once you turn a certain age your family begins to pressure you into having kids (unless you already started). But at some age everyone will be asked this same question "WHEN ARE YOU HAVING KIDS?".  If you really want children after a while of parent/guardian/granny pressure you begin to get excited about wanting to start a family.

The first Kid comes along and all your family and friends are super excited. The baby shower is planned by your second sonogram. People are naming themselves God Parents. You hardly have to buy anything because someone is always buying the baby something. You have a Gender reveal party. Your nursery looks like something out of a magazine. By the time the baby comes you hardly see him or her because people are knocking down your door to babysit. Your thinking "THIS IS GREAT, THIS IS EASY".

Now your a little more confident so you decide to go for number 2. This time around though things change just a little. You end up planning your own baby shower. Nobody is calling asking to be God Parents. You end up waiting to shop after your baby shower so you can buy whatever you didn't receive at your baby shower. You have a Gender reveal via Text/Instagram/Email. Your nursery is a mix of old and new items. And by the time the baby arrives you get a flood of help for the first two weeks than you hardly see anyone until his/her first Birthday. Now your thinking "HMMMMM, maybe everyone is just really busy".

Then BOOM you announce your pregnant AGAIN. And that's exactly what everyones reaction is. "Your Pregnant AGAIN?????". Besides your friends/family asking you if your crazy they start to question your ability to raise 3 kids. "Girl how ya'll gonna afford 3 children?", "Daycare is expensive", "I guess no more Carnival for you!".  God Parents are picked a few days before the Christening. You have to buy EVERYTHING yourself because if you decide to have a baby shower NO ONE will show up. There is no more nursey. It's now called "THE KIDS ROOM". Gender doesn't really matter at this point (unless you have 2 boys and your pregnant with a girl). By the time the baby arrives you will get a steady stream of Congratulation texts, 1 or 2 visits and gifts mailed to the house. And those family and friends who convinced you to start your beautiful family are always too busy when you ask them to babysit. In reality they did just ask about you having 1 child, you just took that idea and ran with it. (WHO KNEW?)


  1. Lololol. This is frigging hilarious & so true. Lol. Great blog. I love it.

  2. Hahah love it, so note to self only have one child when I'm ready

    1. Lol, just some advice on what anything over 2 kids looks like.

  3. Great blog! Sooooooo true!
