Saturday 7 March 2015

What a Baby Wants, What a Baby Needs...

Since I started having kids WAYYYYYY before any of my friends/family I was always the one people came to for advice regarding baby, kids, family, etc. The most asked about questions came from soon to be parents or new parents. Now there is a difference between what a newborn NEEDS and what the new parents WANT. It's super kool to get your baby everything you can afford, but I compelled a list of things I think you and your baby must for your first few weeks home.


  • Swing - Any swing will do, just make sure you have the swing set up and ready for when the baby reaches home. You want the baby to become accustom to something other than your arms.

  • Car Seat - UHMMMM, they won't even let you out the hospital without one. Your best bet is to get a convertible car seat so it can grow with your baby. 

  • Pacifiers - Make sure you have a few different assortments to try on your baby. He/she will pick which one they like.

  • Baby Formula - Now we all know BREAST IS BEST, but not all mothers have a good experience with breast feeding. With my first son I produced NO MILK. With my second son I breast feed him for 6 months. With my daughter I breast feed her for only 2 months                 then my milk dried up. Either it comes in late, they produce very little or none at all. So just in-case have a few cans/bottles of formula ready and available.

  • Bottles - DUHHH, that's a given. Even if you are breast feeding you will need bottles. You gotta put all the titty milk some place.

  • Pampers/Wipes - That's just a given.

  • Bassinet - Whether it be a fancy one with gold trim, or a bedside sleeper, make sure you have one. Keep that baby OUT of your BED. Trust me you will thank me later.

  • Sleepers - You need about 8-10. It's the easiest thing and the only thing a newborn should be wearing. Anytime I see newborns in jeans I cringe a little. Lets save the fashion shows for at least 2 months old.


  • Breast Pump - This is a MUST HAVE. At about 5 days after your baby is born your breast will begin  to inflate like a hot air balloon. After labor I think this is one of the worst pains in the world. Make sure your breast pump is ready because that's a great way to relieve the pain and it also starts to stimulate your breast to produce more milk.

  • Breast Pads - Now you won't be breast feeding 24/7, but your breast does not know that and at any given time those sucker will begin to leak. Without your breast pads you will definitely be entering a different kind of WET T-SHIRT COMPETITION.

  • Heating Pad - This item is great item to have for many reasons. It can be used to help relieve pressure from your breast while breast feeding or on placed on your stomach to help relieve the pain of your Uterus contracting back to it's normal size. Yes it has to contract back. (WHO KNEW??) Not me. The first time this pain hit me I thought I was going into labor again.

  • Belly Ban - For the mommies who want to get back into shape but can't exercise these work GREAT. As a life saver for those mothers who had a C-section. Put that ban on tight and your able to move around all right. (Oh snap that rhymes, LOL)

  • Tea -  For the gas pains that will hit you all day long.

  • Travel Mug - So you can store your tea to keep warm while your caring for your newborn.

  • Breakfast bars - Unless you have help, gourmet breakfast is a thing of the past. Having some breakfast bars handy will help you get a quick bite in before your day begins. (I'm rhyming again)

  • Stool Softener - Oh the joy of having to poop before you leave the hospital. But what are you suppose to do when you get home and can't poop. Keep these handy and pop a few before you become too backed up.

  • Caffeine - New moms can't have it but you sure can. Try to keep up with BABY and MOMMY. 

  • Ibuprofen - For your headaches you will get from pulling the night shift then having to go to work for your day shift.

  • Pillow/Blanket - Give mommy some time to rest BY HERSELF. Take your pillow, blanket and baby into another room so mom can get some real rest. 

  • Patience - They say having a baby is the closet you can come to death. Our bodies just went through some major changes and we are more hormonal than usual. Be patient with her, I promise you she will be back to her normal crazy self soon.

1 comment:

  1. I truly underestimated the power of a swing until you gave it to me as a gift. Truly a lifesaver.
