Tuesday 17 March 2015

Let me guess...You cooked??

About 3 years ago I figured out that I had a super power. Now why it took me so long to find out I had this power still baffles me to this day. I'm guessing it's maybe because my senses were heightened after having my second child, or I just never paid attention to it before. My bets on the fact that after having my son Antonio I had to start to pay attention to everything. With a blink of an eye Antonio would be in the kitchen, on the counter, and in the cabinets trying to get some cookies.  I'm sure if you sit down and think really hard you too will realize that you have some sort of super power especially if your a parent.

The only issue I have is that my super power only works in my home. It seems to shut off when I leave the house. Come to think about it, that's not such a bad thing anyway.

Now what is my super power you ask?????
*Drum roll please*
I can tell what my Husband cooked in the kitchen without being in the kitchen or even seeing his plate. Crazy right! Well, after my husband uses the kitchen for any purpose (cooking, juice making, etc) he leaves a mess so big I often question if my 3 year old Antonio made the mess. I think my husband likes to hear my talk or finds it sexy to watch me wipe down the counter-tops and mop up the juice stains. Either way there should be no reason I know exactly what you had for lunch when I return home 3 hours later to cook dinner. Especially if there is no dishes in the skin, but all the evidence is still on the counter-top or the floor. This situation has caused me to set rules for my kitchen.

#1 - No one is allowed to use the kitchen while I am cooking
#2 - Stay out my kitchen after it is cleaned
#3 - I will take out everyone's food
#4 - If anyone drops juice on the floor and it's not cleaned up, NOBODY gets juice for 24 hrs
#5 - Clean up your mess as if the Queen of England is coming to visit
#6 - When the lights go off in the kitchen, the kitchen is Officially CLOSED. Do not enter, Pass straight, Drink water from the bathroom sink and if your hungry after the kitchen is closed ...Stay hungry until it reopens.

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