Friday 6 March 2015

Sleep when the baby sleeps.....

BRUH (that's what the kids are saying now). "You should sleep when the baby is sleeping!" is one of the worst sentences I can hear as a mother. Like seriously, who made this line up??? Had to be either a Man or someone who doesn't have any children. If we decided to sleep when our babies are sleeping this world as we know it would come to an end.

For the first month, you are working on your newborns schedule. As soon as you get on some sort of normal, human daytime schedule you have to start to get your life back in order. Sleeping while your baby is sleeping won't be in the plans.

When the baby wakes up in the morning your either trying to rush other kids out the house, get the husband/boyfriend off to work or just trying to get something to eat before your day starts. Before you know it it's time to feed the little bugger and put them down for a midday nap. Midday naps to you means time to clean up from the breakfast rush, wash/dry some clothes, put away the clothes you washed the day before, fix yourself some lunch, possibly use the bathroom (brush teeth, poop, pee), check emails or if your lucky enough have someone come over to watch the baby while you go grocery shopping or just outside to get some fresh air. By the time the baby gets up again it's lunch time and kids are coming home from school, homework starts and more mess is being made.

Now of course between this time and bed time the baby takes a couple of cat naps, but that still doesn't warrant you to cat nap with him/her. Your too busy trying to stop fights, cook dinner or just keep your sanity.

The only time your are really able to sleep when the baby is sleeping is when EVERYONE goes Night-Night. And if you have a normal baby your going to wake up at least once or twice to feed or change a pamper.  The only way I can see a person sleeping when the baby sleeps during the day is if two things happen.

  •  A. Your privileged enough to have a full-time Nanny, in which case I would sleep until at least 11am, go to Starbucks, come back home take another 3 hour nap, than get dress to go out for dinner.

  • B. You pass out from pure tiredness causing the neighbors to call your phone to see if your OK because the baby has been crying for 40 mins. (Who Knew??)

You will sleep though, one day in the future or when the baby goes by Grand-mama for the weekend.


  1. Hahahaha! who could sleep when the baby sleeps when you have two other children, house, and husband to take care of.

  2. Sleep????? Haaaa whts that again lol
