Tuesday 24 March 2015

Fake it till you make it.

We all have done it at some point in our lives.
As a child we did it to get out of going to school so we can stay home and play video games.
As a teenager we did it to get out of going to church so we can go to the mall.
As an adult we did it to get out of going to work so we can go to the beach.
Now as a parent we do it to just get some rest.

At some point in everyone's life we played sick so we can get out of doing something. I can tell you right now that I play sick at least once a week. Either stomach pains, headache, back pain, gout you name it I pretend to have it. I just know that at least once a week I need a full on BREAK and the best way to get it quick and without too much planning is to fake that I am sick.

How could I do this you ask??? Easy, I just do it.
Why not just ask for a break??? Simple, A stay at home mother of 3 kids, a husband and a house to maintain just can't take ask for a break.

If I asked for a break at least one of my kids would end up taking a break with me or my husband would want to watch tv in the exact same room I decide to take my break in. So after many years of hiding in the bathroom for 20 mintues a day I decided there had to be an easier way.

Faking sick was the best solution I came up with.
#1) People tend to not want to get sick so they leave you alone.
#2) The older kids are so worried about you getting better they will pitch in to keep the younger kids quite.
#3) Your hubby would want you to get as much rest as possible because his kid management time frame is about 35.8 hours.
#4) For a couple of hours you won't have to do a thing but pretend to get better. (Who Knew??)

I'm not sure why my husband or kids haven't caught on to me, but I'm sure after they read this my the gig is up. HAHA. But guess what??? I plan to be sick on Thursday after lunch, so here is your heads up. LMBO.

1 comment:

  1. Lololololol. My bath time is my safe place. But even while i'm bathing i'm still getting interrupted. Ugh. I can only imagine 3
