Monday 2 March 2015

Married Mother of three beautiful children. Anthony 13 yrs old, Antonio 3 yrs old and Ariana 3 months old. My life as a stay at home mom seems to have most of my friends in stitches so I decided to write about it.
Here is my story....

I had my first son Anthony at the tender age of 19. They actually told me I was having a girl until he popped out 18 hrs later, no drugs. As if begin a teenage mom wasn't hard enough, I decided to get married a year later and swore off having any other children.

Fast forward 8 years later while I was on vacation the baby bug hit me and to my surprise my husband was on board.  But that journey wasn't as easy as the first time around. After two back to back miscarriages my doctors found out that I have a blood clotting disorder caused by years of using birth control (WHO KNEW?).

After 1 treatment of fertility medication we where pregnant again. Excited and worried that pregnancy was the scariest thing I went through. Between taking daily blood thinner shots and being put on bed rest at the fifth month of my pregnancy I was a nervous wreck. But my second son proved to have a lot more surprises planned. My first c-section was scheduled because my son decided he wanted to sit Indian style in my belly (Breech Baby). After he was born we again decided that having any more kids would be too much on my body and family emotionally.

At about 9 months I noticed that my son was not developing as quickly as my older son did and decided to have him evaluated. I was shocked to find out that my some was diagnosed as being Autistic (WHO KNEW?).

Fast forward 3 years later. After a very eventful Carnival in Trinidad we again found out that I was pregnant. My thoughts on this pregnancy was on the fence. I didn't think it would last because of all the medications I had to take to get pregnant and stay pregnant with my last son. To our surprise our little girl survived without any fertility treatments, blood thinner shots,and no bed rest. We had another c-section and she was the biggest baby to date (WHO KNEW?).

Now I'm a mother of 3 beautiful, different little people and I can't wait to share my journey with you.

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