Thursday 12 March 2015

Land the plane.....

Besides cooking, washing clothes, making up 4 beds, swiping, moping, ironing and eating  having a conversation with my 13 year old is the most exhausting things I do all day. He is a loving, smart child, but his convo's are so long drawn I always seem to cut him off by saying "Land the plane Anthony!".

I know in a couple of years I will miss having someone talk to me about the weirdest things. But right now it just seems to be a little overwhelming.  From the time I hear the long drawn out "MOMMMMMMM" I start to prepare myself to zone out.  His conversations always start off as a question I am sure I don't know the answer too. I mean come on with all the technology he has at his finger tips he comes into the kitchen to ask me if I know the color of the wind? (Who Knew).  At that time I usually roll my eyes and tell him "No Anthony I don't know the color of the wind, why don't you tell me". What comes next is about 3-4 minutes of him trying to explain to me the answer to his very own question. By the time I'm 4.5 minutes into listening I suddenly yell out "LAND THE PLANE ANTHONY".  In short...Hurry up with the story.

I'm sure by now my son knows I have a very short attention span, but does he care???? NOPE. And I don't blame him, He is just doing his job of being the annoying, lovable, smart, son who ask the weirdest questions. If you have more than 1 child, your bound to have one of these kids, Embrace that child in all his/her glory because these kind of kids usually change the world.


  1. the plane...I'm dying wt laugh

  2. Awww these stories are great. I think we both made geeks 13 yrs ago. Lol
