Saturday 21 March 2015

Ask me anything Saturdays.

Hey guys and dolls.
Hope everyone is having an amazing Saturday and those of us with kids fear not, we only have 2 more sunsets until the kids are out the house and back to school.

Today I will dedicate my blog to answering questions from parents. So go ahead ask me anything (as long as it's related to parenting).

Ready, Set, Go........


  1. Dalia Trinidiva Dre Holder: Hey girl! Would you trade Trini schools for the US school system now or in the future for your kids education?

    Seven Phillip: I definitely prefer the Trinidad school system. I'm not sure how the school system works in Florida but in New York they were focused on test scores. The kids started the school year preparing for test. Everything was preparation for a test and not actual learning. In Trinidad they are focused on teaching the children and they will be tested on what they learned at the end of the school year. Here (Trinidad) they care more about the academics.

  2. Potty training ughhhh! !!!
    single mother
    4 yeAR old boy gicing me a hard time .
    any tips or tricks ???

    1. I mean 3 year he will be turning 4 soon

    2. I mean 3 year he will be turning 4 soon

    3. Hey Tashi, sorry for the late response. I just went through the same thing with my 3 year old. We decided to have him fully potty trained before our baby girl was born. I refused to have to change 2 set of diapers. My older son who is now 13 went through potty training like a pro. Took him 1 week and he was good to go. Now Tonio our 3 yr old was a different story. We bought a potty but he just like to play in it or sit on it in the living room while he watched TV. One day I said enough is enough. I bought him 2 packs of underwear, 1 pack of pull-ups. First thing I did was took off the pull-ups/diapers as soon as he woke up.

      Here are some tips...

      Take away the pull-up/diapers ASAP. That is his comfort. During the day let him wear some big boy underwear. Keep telling him he is a big boy and only babies wear pampers.

      There is going to be a lot of mess. But that is what God made Mops and Clorox for. Don't scowl him if he pees his self. Just take him to the bathroom every time he pees on his self and tell him this is were you pee. If he poops in his underpants take him to the bathroom, put the poop in the toilet and sit him on the toilet and explain to him this is were you poop. Allow him to flush the toilet. Kids love flushing.

      Make it a weekend activity. Spend at least 2-3 days walking him to the bathroom about once every hour. Make a game or song out of it or set your alarm to a tune he loves so he knows when that song starts to play he has to go to the potty. It might seem hard at first, but after a while he will start letting you know that it's time for a bathroom trip. (This worked a lot for us).

      When he does pee in the toilet make it a big deal. We literally had a party in the bathroom the first time he peed in the toilet.

      At night you can put a pull up on him to go to sleep, but set an alarm to wake up and walk him to the bathroom at least twice for the night.
      (My son still wakes up every night at 2am to go pee by his self.

      Overall, just don't give up. You have to be repetitive. If you stick to a plan he will be potty trained within one week. Stock up on cleaning supplies, get a bottle of wine and stay focused. It will be over before you know it.
