Tuesday 7 April 2015

I ain't missing you at all

I'm back and well rested.

Were did I go???
A spa weekend? A girlfriends getaway? A mini post honeymoon?

NOPE, I was on a STAYCATION right here in my house, NO KIDS, NO HUSBAND. For 2 nights it was just me, my TV, a bottle of wine and some fried chicken. And guess what, I LOVED IT.

While my husband went on a business trip my father in-law (god bless his heart) surprised me by taking the kids with him for the weekend. When he came in and said "Pack their bags", I nearly cried.  I never packed their bags so quickly. I mean I love my kids and husband but sometimes we all need a full on break.  For the first time in months I went to sleep at 10pm on a Saturday night and woke up at 9am on Monday morning. I only left my room for food, and to use the bathroom.

Now, did I miss my family??? HECK NO and I'm not ashamed to say it.
Ladies and Gentlemen we have to stop thinking that if we don't miss our kids/mates for a few days than we are bad parents/mates.  It's perfectly OK to NOT MISS someone (Who Knew?). They did say that Absence makes the heart grow fonder.

1 comment:

  1. I love it. And this is 100% correct. We all deserve time alone. Makes us better humans
