Sunday 26 April 2015

Don't put the hamper in the kitchen.

It's 8pm Sunday night. All the kids ate dinner, took a bath and are sound asleep. The toys are put away, living room and kitchen are clean. But for the life of me I can't figure out where I put the kids dirty clothes they had on today.

Lets retrace my steps...
I woke up at 5am to give Ari a bottle. Before she could fall back to sleep Tonio was up playing with his toys. He requested soup for breakfast and I just wanted some coffee. Ari finally went back to sleep so I had 20 mins to make breakfast and eat. The rest of the morning was a blur. I checked the time every 10 minutes hoping that it was much later than it really was. The afternoon was filled with laughs from Ari, tears from Tonio, Skype from my sister and a 2 minute visit from my older son.  As the sun started to set I cooked dinner with my two youngest in the kitchen with me. After we ate I and I cleaned up the disaster that was left on my dining room table I gave Tonio his bath. When he was in his bed I gave Ari her bath. HMMMM, I do recall changing Ari on the couch, picking up her diaper,  clothes and blanket and putting it in the OHHHH NOOOOOOOOOOO. I put the clothes, and blankets in the trash but the dirty pamper in the washing machine. This is what happens when you husband goes away and you have to handle 3 kids at bed time by yourself. Well at least this time I didn't break down crying. (WHO KNEW????)      

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