Monday 12 November 2018

Oh you want to WORK-WORK.

I work for an amazing company that gives us the option to sometimes work from home. As long as your work gets done they don't seem to hound you too much. I definitely take advantage of this option but with caution. Caution meaning, I would NEVER work from home if any of my kids are home.

If I know the kids are out of school, I practically  RUN to work. If there is a snow storm and the schools are closed I put on my water proof boots, long bubble coat, wrap up my face with two scarves and journey into work. If there was a fire at my job (God Forbid) and they told us to work from home for a few days and my kids where at home at the same time, I will rent out an office space just so I can get out the house.

Now, this does not mean that I don't love my kids, or I don't love my house. But while I'm home I have a minimum of 5 min sitting in one spot at a time before someone cries, breaks something or wants something to eat/drink.

So working from home while the kids are home is not productive at all. I might as well put in for PTO (PAID TIME OFF), and put away the computer because I won't get any Work-Work done.

Wednesday 7 November 2018

Your Voice Must be HEARD.

A few weeks ago a NOT-SO Wise person advised that all I seem to do in the mornings was yell at the kids. From 7am - 7:50am I was told that my voice is at a constant high pitch. I, of course disagreed but I said to myself "Alicia, maybe you should be more aware of your tone early in the morning". So I decided to conduct a test. Let me just say this, HAHAHAHA. Never again, Voices are meant to be raised in the morning Ladies and Gentlemen.

6:45am: I woke up brushed my teeth and took my shower.

7:00am: I proceeded into the Ari's and Tonio's bedroom, turned on the light and kissed each child on the forehead while telling them (In a hushed Tone) it's time to wake up sweethearts.

7:15am: I'm dressed and go back into the kids room and they are still fast asleep. I gently pull the covers off of each child and sit them up on their beds. Again I advise them that it's time to get up and get ready for school. I spend 4 minutes on Ari, rubbing her backing and reassuring her that the weekend is almost here before she finally decides to get out her bed, and I spend 5 minutes on Tonio letting him know that I understand he is tired but he can rest when he gets home from school.

7:25am: Both kids are in the bathroom when I remember I have another child that needs to get ready.

7:26am: I call Anthony on his phone, but of course it goes to voicemail

7:28am: Ariana has poured all her mouth wash out into the sink and Tonio only brushed the top row of his teeth. So I head into the bathroom to help Clean up Ari's mess and brush Tonio's mouth.

7:32am: As the kids leave the bathroom, I head to Anthony's room and gently knock on his door, I tell him it's time to wake up and he mumbles under his breath while pulling the covers over his head

7:34am: I have ironed the kids uniforms the night before and laid out their undergarments. So I hand each child what they need and proceed to the kitchen to make a health breakfast.

7:35am: I can hear Ariana singing and the sound of a race car in their room. But I remain calm.

7:40am: I return to their room to find Ari still in her night clothes and Tonio on the floor in he underpants and socks playing with his hot-wheels.

7:41am: I count to 10, then I place the toys back in their respected places and in a calm voice I ask Tonio to finish getting dressed and I help Ariana get dress then send them to the living room to eat breakfast.

7:43am: While they eat breakfast I clean up their room, make up their beds and pack their lunches

7:48am: Tonio has spilled his milk on his pants, and Ari has cheese in her hair but Still I keep calm.

7:53am: I ironed and changed Tonio's pants and also brush the cheese out of Ari's hair

7:54am: I hear Anthony finally heading to the bathroom

7:55am: Tonio remembers a form I have to fill out that is needed back in school today and Ari can't find one side of her shoe

7:57am: Both kids don't like their snacks  I packed and I am asked to switch their chips.

8:00am: Anthony is now leaving the bathroom, I find Ari's missing shoe, but Tonio has a knot in his shoelace and can't the knot out.

8:04am: I get the knot out of the shoe, put their hats and coats on we proceed to the door.

8:05am: I open the door and it's raining. So I head back inside to go on a mad hunt for their umbrellas. All while still remaining calm.

8:08am: I find their umbrellas as Anthony is now coming out his room and also heading out the door.

8:12am: Finally out the door we have to stop because Ari finds a leaf that she needs to show to her teacher.

8:14am: Not to be out done, we stop again because Tonio finds a leaf he wants to show to his teacher.

8:19am: We finally reach school and the guards allow Tonio to go to his class, but because we are now 20 mins late I have to sign in and walk Ari to her class.

8:23am: Ariana reaches her class and she heads home

8:29am: I reach home, grab my bag and head to work.

So what I learnt is that I wasted 40 mintues of my time by staying calm. "WHO KNEW" Mom's and Dad's you VOICE does matter, especially if you want to get those kids to school on time.

Tuesday 6 November 2018

I'm Back

It's been a while. 8 Months to be exact and again life as a mom of 3 has been moving along like a freight train filled with zombies speeding at 150 miles per hour.

1 High schooler who is now working, but never seems to have money. How do you get paid on Friday and still ask me for money on Sunday, but you haven't left the house all weekend???
1 2nd grader who spent almost 2 months in Trinidad for summer vacation and came back taller, yet more emotional.
And then there is Ariana. The Pre-schooler who has mastered the art of getting what she wants. She has the whole, batting of the eyes, and giving random kisses before she lures you in with an "You know I Love You". 
The house is full of life and lots of chat. Tonio and Ari go from playing one minute to fighting the next. Anthony only speaks when he wants Food or Money.

Needless to say, I'm forging on, getting less sleep, cooking more and spending more.


Tuesday 27 March 2018

Regift the Card

Since the first time my middle child Tonio lost his first tooth he has been infatuated with losing his teeth. Not because he wants to be a dentist, not because he wants to learn more about oral hygiene, but only for the fact that the Tooth Fairy gives you money for every tooth lost.

So the past couple of weeks he has been playing with this one tooth in his mouth. Almost every day he advises me that the tooth is shaking and he needs to pull it out. I kept telling him to leave the tooth alone and it will come out on it's own. The child was so determined to make a quick buck he was eating apples daily, carrots at night and he even tied a string to the tooth and had his sister try to pull it out. SMH.

So finally this past weekend he succeeded in pulling the tooth out. Don't ask me how because I didn't even ask. All I recall was him busting into my room with blood dripping down his chin and the tooth in his hand. I got out of bed, cleaned him off and helped him rinse out his mouth.

When he was done showing the tooth around he came back and asked me to put it away so he can save it for the tooth fairy. By this time it's only 1 PM and by 6 PM Tonio was complaining that the day was taking too long to end and he just wanted to go to sleep so the tooth fairy can leave him some money. The anticipation for this "TOOTH FAIRY" was so high that even Ariana wanted a missing tooth so she too can get in on the action."Who Knew??"

By 8 PM Saturday night all the kids where tucked into bed without argument. Being excited that I had the rest of the night to myself I did what any parent would do. I took my shower and was in my bed by 8:30 PM. LOL

I woke up Sunday morning refreshed yet something was nagging me and I couldn't put my finger on what it was. Then BOOM..Tonio charges into my room at 7 AM with tears in his eyes, yelling that the Tooth fairy never came.

OHHHHHHHHHHHHH, that's what I forgot. In a rush to get in my bed I totally forgot to take the tooth from under his pillow and replace it with some money. So I did what any parent would do, I lied. I told him maybe she has his tooth pick up for the Afternoon Run. And guess what??... he believed me. I told him go to the bathroom, brush his teeth and get ready for breakfast while I make up his bed so when the tooth fairy comes she will be able to find the tooth without any hassle. He agreed and once again became the excited 6 year old I love.  

As he went into the bathroom I raced into his room to make up his bed and find the tooth. Once his bed was nice and neat I took the tooth and headed back to my room to find some money. Then ANOTHER BOOM.. I HAD NO CASH. SH!T Alicia. What am I suppose to do NOW??

That's when a light bulb went off in my head.... Darn I'm smart.
I remembered I had some Toy-R-US gift cards that I keep once the kids used them. I pulled them out my wallet and ran back into his room and place the two $10 gift cards under his pillow. By the time I was leaving his room he was returning to his room. The morning went on without a hitch. By 12:30 Pm Tonio again came back into my room with a smile as bright as the sun. He said, Mommy you where right, the tooth fairy did come later, she left me with 2 gift cards, and of course played along and all was right in the World.

Moral of the story, Keep those gift cards, they may come in handy.
But guess who has to go to Toys-R-Us tonight?????😍😒😒

Thursday 22 March 2018

Snow Day AGAIN

Mother Natural must be upset about something because as a Welcome to Spring 2018 we received the gift of SNOW.

Of course the mayor shut down schools which meant the kids received their 879th snow day for the school year. Between all the holidays, half-days and snow days we had this school year I believe the children of NYC only had 2 weeks of actual school days. No wonder our school system is one of the WORST in the country.

I don't know when NYC became so soft when it came to shutting down school because of a few snow flurries.  I remember the storm of 1993. Snow reached about 6 ft high, you couldn't tell the road from the side walk. But all NYC Public Schools where OPEN. You had to take turns sliding down a snow bank in order to get into the schools entrance. Buses and Trains where not working, but parents walked miles just to drop their children off. And we went along our normal school day with NO EARLY DISMISSAL. Now If someone in New Jersey farts and that wind travels to the east at 25 miles per hour ALL NYC PUBLIC SCHOOLS are CLOSED. (Who Knew??)

Besides the fact that our Children are being under educated by teachers who are only there for a paycheck, we are teaching our children to be WEAK. SOOOO WHAT if they have to trug through 6 inches of snow. I think that helps build Character, Strength and Ambition. It's real life situations like walking through the SNOW to get to school or work that helps build us up emotionally and physically.

Children no longer dance in the summer rain, Or make snow men during a winter snow storm. 😡

Wednesday 10 January 2018

Childrens Place Zone

OK, so I've been a mother for over 15 years and that means I should be an expert when it comes to shopping for kids stuff right? (Who Knew??)

15 Years ago we didn't have the luxury of ordering whatever we needed for our kids online. We actually had to venture into stores, dig through racks, unfold shirts and stand on lines to pay for our items. We also didn't have one of the most amazing inventions known to any parent the "PRICE CHECKER". We had to stand on the line with all the items in hand, then wait until we reach the cashier to ask "Can you let me know how much these are?", in which we eventually tell them No Thank You to the 8 out of 10 items we picked up. This allowed use leave the store feeling undefeated because we saved 30% on a $8.00 shirt that our child will wear once and eventually end up being used as "Home Clothes"
(Terminology used by many West Indian parents for clothing worn when you come home from school or while lounging around the house on a weekend.)

Back to my rant. So for the past 15 years I have been religiously frequenting one kids clothing store in particular and I'm sure we all have step foot inside of "THE CHILDREN'S PLACE".
Great store, OK selection of children's apparel/shoes and you can find amazing deals. But the one thing that stumps me EVERY SINGLE TIME is the Children's Place Reward system.  Something is just not adding up.

I've been shopping in this store since 2002, I've had 3 kids since then but every time I get to the register they ask for my phone number and email address to look up my points, but when I ask how much points I have they tell me NONE. WTF

SOOOOOOOOOO, you telling me for 15 years I haven't accumulated enough points to get a free pair of socks for my toddler??
Where all are all my points going? How are these points calculated? Is it a Use them or Lose them system? Are they lost in the Twilight Zone with all the one sided socks?

Saturday 30 December 2017


THANK YOU SWEET BABY JESUS.. Christmas madness is OVER.

But I can't complain much because most of my gifts where ordered ONLINE. Why people still step foot in a toy store in search of toys blows my mind. I actually went to Target last week Friday and passed by the Toy aisle wondering if anyone else knew about AMAZON PRIME and all it's amazing AMAZINGNESS. (Yeah I know it's not a Word)

This Christmas has been on of the easiest (shopping wise) I've had in a long time. Anthony just wanted clothes, shoes and money. Tonio has a fascination with maps so all he wanted was things that enabled him to learn about different countries and a Wii so he came finally play "Just Dance". Ari wanted every toy she saw on TV, but she is 3 years old and really doesn't know the difference between all the toys and 4-5 toys. LOL

I didn't plan to go crazy this year for gifts because begin an experienced mom for 16 years I know that after the excitement of opening new toys the novelty of it all wears off and they are all back to watching their ipads. They are literally all watching their ipads right now. The wii is off, Paw Patrol is parked in the corner and the scooter is in the kitchen. (WHO KNEW, I did).

Anyway, I'm just happy that Christmas is over and we can begin a new year. New goals, New Laughs, New Jokes. Thank you all for taking your time out to read my crazy real life stories and I promise to continue to make you laugh.

Happy New Year