Wednesday 7 November 2018

Your Voice Must be HEARD.

A few weeks ago a NOT-SO Wise person advised that all I seem to do in the mornings was yell at the kids. From 7am - 7:50am I was told that my voice is at a constant high pitch. I, of course disagreed but I said to myself "Alicia, maybe you should be more aware of your tone early in the morning". So I decided to conduct a test. Let me just say this, HAHAHAHA. Never again, Voices are meant to be raised in the morning Ladies and Gentlemen.

6:45am: I woke up brushed my teeth and took my shower.

7:00am: I proceeded into the Ari's and Tonio's bedroom, turned on the light and kissed each child on the forehead while telling them (In a hushed Tone) it's time to wake up sweethearts.

7:15am: I'm dressed and go back into the kids room and they are still fast asleep. I gently pull the covers off of each child and sit them up on their beds. Again I advise them that it's time to get up and get ready for school. I spend 4 minutes on Ari, rubbing her backing and reassuring her that the weekend is almost here before she finally decides to get out her bed, and I spend 5 minutes on Tonio letting him know that I understand he is tired but he can rest when he gets home from school.

7:25am: Both kids are in the bathroom when I remember I have another child that needs to get ready.

7:26am: I call Anthony on his phone, but of course it goes to voicemail

7:28am: Ariana has poured all her mouth wash out into the sink and Tonio only brushed the top row of his teeth. So I head into the bathroom to help Clean up Ari's mess and brush Tonio's mouth.

7:32am: As the kids leave the bathroom, I head to Anthony's room and gently knock on his door, I tell him it's time to wake up and he mumbles under his breath while pulling the covers over his head

7:34am: I have ironed the kids uniforms the night before and laid out their undergarments. So I hand each child what they need and proceed to the kitchen to make a health breakfast.

7:35am: I can hear Ariana singing and the sound of a race car in their room. But I remain calm.

7:40am: I return to their room to find Ari still in her night clothes and Tonio on the floor in he underpants and socks playing with his hot-wheels.

7:41am: I count to 10, then I place the toys back in their respected places and in a calm voice I ask Tonio to finish getting dressed and I help Ariana get dress then send them to the living room to eat breakfast.

7:43am: While they eat breakfast I clean up their room, make up their beds and pack their lunches

7:48am: Tonio has spilled his milk on his pants, and Ari has cheese in her hair but Still I keep calm.

7:53am: I ironed and changed Tonio's pants and also brush the cheese out of Ari's hair

7:54am: I hear Anthony finally heading to the bathroom

7:55am: Tonio remembers a form I have to fill out that is needed back in school today and Ari can't find one side of her shoe

7:57am: Both kids don't like their snacks  I packed and I am asked to switch their chips.

8:00am: Anthony is now leaving the bathroom, I find Ari's missing shoe, but Tonio has a knot in his shoelace and can't the knot out.

8:04am: I get the knot out of the shoe, put their hats and coats on we proceed to the door.

8:05am: I open the door and it's raining. So I head back inside to go on a mad hunt for their umbrellas. All while still remaining calm.

8:08am: I find their umbrellas as Anthony is now coming out his room and also heading out the door.

8:12am: Finally out the door we have to stop because Ari finds a leaf that she needs to show to her teacher.

8:14am: Not to be out done, we stop again because Tonio finds a leaf he wants to show to his teacher.

8:19am: We finally reach school and the guards allow Tonio to go to his class, but because we are now 20 mins late I have to sign in and walk Ari to her class.

8:23am: Ariana reaches her class and she heads home

8:29am: I reach home, grab my bag and head to work.

So what I learnt is that I wasted 40 mintues of my time by staying calm. "WHO KNEW" Mom's and Dad's you VOICE does matter, especially if you want to get those kids to school on time.

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