Tuesday 27 March 2018

Regift the Card

Since the first time my middle child Tonio lost his first tooth he has been infatuated with losing his teeth. Not because he wants to be a dentist, not because he wants to learn more about oral hygiene, but only for the fact that the Tooth Fairy gives you money for every tooth lost.

So the past couple of weeks he has been playing with this one tooth in his mouth. Almost every day he advises me that the tooth is shaking and he needs to pull it out. I kept telling him to leave the tooth alone and it will come out on it's own. The child was so determined to make a quick buck he was eating apples daily, carrots at night and he even tied a string to the tooth and had his sister try to pull it out. SMH.

So finally this past weekend he succeeded in pulling the tooth out. Don't ask me how because I didn't even ask. All I recall was him busting into my room with blood dripping down his chin and the tooth in his hand. I got out of bed, cleaned him off and helped him rinse out his mouth.

When he was done showing the tooth around he came back and asked me to put it away so he can save it for the tooth fairy. By this time it's only 1 PM and by 6 PM Tonio was complaining that the day was taking too long to end and he just wanted to go to sleep so the tooth fairy can leave him some money. The anticipation for this "TOOTH FAIRY" was so high that even Ariana wanted a missing tooth so she too can get in on the action."Who Knew??"

By 8 PM Saturday night all the kids where tucked into bed without argument. Being excited that I had the rest of the night to myself I did what any parent would do. I took my shower and was in my bed by 8:30 PM. LOL

I woke up Sunday morning refreshed yet something was nagging me and I couldn't put my finger on what it was. Then BOOM..Tonio charges into my room at 7 AM with tears in his eyes, yelling that the Tooth fairy never came.

OHHHHHHHHHHHHH, that's what I forgot. In a rush to get in my bed I totally forgot to take the tooth from under his pillow and replace it with some money. So I did what any parent would do, I lied. I told him maybe she has his tooth pick up for the Afternoon Run. And guess what??... he believed me. I told him go to the bathroom, brush his teeth and get ready for breakfast while I make up his bed so when the tooth fairy comes she will be able to find the tooth without any hassle. He agreed and once again became the excited 6 year old I love.  

As he went into the bathroom I raced into his room to make up his bed and find the tooth. Once his bed was nice and neat I took the tooth and headed back to my room to find some money. Then ANOTHER BOOM.. I HAD NO CASH. SH!T Alicia. What am I suppose to do NOW??

That's when a light bulb went off in my head.... Darn I'm smart.
I remembered I had some Toy-R-US gift cards that I keep once the kids used them. I pulled them out my wallet and ran back into his room and place the two $10 gift cards under his pillow. By the time I was leaving his room he was returning to his room. The morning went on without a hitch. By 12:30 Pm Tonio again came back into my room with a smile as bright as the sun. He said, Mommy you where right, the tooth fairy did come later, she left me with 2 gift cards, and of course played along and all was right in the World.

Moral of the story, Keep those gift cards, they may come in handy.
But guess who has to go to Toys-R-Us tonight?????😍😒😒

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