Friday 1 December 2017

Friday Nights Lights

Friday's feel like that moment you see your food coming to your table at a restaurant. The joy you feel when they put that tray down and ask who ordered the Surf and Turf is one of the most amazing feelings in the world. Saturday's feel like the moment the host calls your name to tell you that your table is ready. You are excited and ready for a nice drink to wash down the bread they give you to fill you up before your meal comes.(Who Knew?) And Sunday's........Oh, Sunday's feels like that moment you get the bill and end up regretting ordering 2 Strawberry frozen daiquiris.

But, Friday nights at my house feels like the first day on a deserted island. That means "EVERY WOMAN AND CHILD FOR THEMSELVES".
Kids are running around with 1 sock and a t-shirt around their heads. There are chicken nuggets on the floor and a cheeseburger sitting on the TV stand. 4-5 empty carpi suns on the kitchen table. The TV is on Cartoon network while an iPad and iPod both play YouTube kids as it  sits at the base of the TV. The cushions from the coach are piled up in the middle of the floor and used as a safety landing device. Baby dolls and toy trains are lined up along the walls waiting their turn to go no place. You can here screams from a teenager who is yelling at his video game in his room. And ME, I'm showered and in my bed with a glass of wine and an order of lemon pepper wines while I watch "Woman who kill". By 10PM the 2 little terrors are sticky and have finally fallen asleep where ever they landed. There is no bed time and I don't even care if they change their clothes, brushed their teeth or even took a shower. We survived the week, so on Friday nights they rejoice in all of their kiddish glory.


  1. Yesss! At my house it’s “fend for yaselves” day! I’m not cooking or nothingπŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

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