Thursday 26 October 2017

Check List

When Tonio was diagnosed with Autism at 13 months I was overwhelmed at first. I wanted to make sure he had the best help whether it be at home or in school. 

As he grew up we faced many challenges and fought through every single one of them as a team. I actually push Tonio the hardest out of all three kids because I know he needs that extra push. I'm more attentive to his needs/wants, but I'm also more strict when it comes to him. Come to think of it my own mother treated me this same way. I don't have Autism (Maybe some other mental disorder though). But I know for sure I have MIDDLE CHILD SYNDROME.

I had to learned how to incorporate things into our daily life that will help Tonio have a productive day. One of the most important tools I use everyday is his "MORNING CHECK LIST".

I realized our morning routines where more of me yelling at kids while I run around the house in a towel, one sock and my make-up half done. Realizing that Anthony is old enough to take care of his own morning routine and Ari just goes with the follow, I knew that I need to help Tonio become more productive and independent. Getting him focused on one task in the morning was hard. So one day I sat down and complied a list of the most important things that he most complete in the morning. Once the list was made I printed it out and hung it up in the kids room.

Tonio's Check List
1. Wake Up
2. Pee, Brush teeth, Wash your face
3. Take off your pj's and place them under your pillow
4. Put on Vest, Socks, Uniform pants, Uniform shirt
5. Eat Breakfast (No Ipad, No Iphone)
6. Pack school lunch/snacks in your bookbag
7. Lotion hands, Face
8. Put on Glasses
9. Put on Shoes
10. Put on coat
11. Free Time until Mommy is ready to leave

Now the rules are simple. He is not allowed to engage in any other activities, conversations (unless it has to do with the check list) until he has completed his check list. Like I stated before, I am more hard on him but I also try to make things more easy for him. So, instead of yelling at him to get dress, finish eating his food, or to pack his bag all you hear from me is "TONIO CHECK LIST". By now I don't even have to know where he is on his check list during the morning because he is doing a great job. And if I see he is going off course I just remind him "TONIO CHECKLIST". He is more focused in the morning and I yell about 25% less. "Who Knew"  

Maybe we all need a check list to help us out during the day. And when find ourselves going off course then you can  just  yell out "CHECK LIST". LOL

Anthony Checklist
1. Get up
5. Iron clothes
6. Show mom
7. Iron them again
8. Brush hair
9. Show mom
10. Brush hair again
11. Pack book bag
12. Put on shoes
13. Pack book bag again
14. Make sure I have my keys, wallet
15. Ask mom for money
16. Leave for school

Ariana Checklist
1. Wake up
2. Use the potty
3. Brush my teeth
4. Go back in my bed until mommy is ready for me
5. Take off my PJ’s 
6. Put on my Uniform
7. Watch Dora until Mommy is ready to leave

Mommy Check List
1. Wake up
2. Say a pray
3. Meditate
4. Yell at Kids
5. Bath
6. Yell at kids
7. Put on clothes
8. Try not to drink WINE
9. Yell at kids to leave
10. Drink some Tea, not wine
11. Go to work


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