Sunday 2 April 2017

I'm Back....

Well hello everyone.

I'm finally back after a two year break. So much has changed in my life and I can't wait to share my new journey with you. Lets start with an update on my crazy kids.

Anthony is now a 15 year old. Yeah, that "YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND MOM" stage. The world is on my shoulders stage.  The I want to give him back stage. Thank god I have a good 10 year break before I have to encounter another teenager in my house.

Tonio is now a 5 year old chatter box in the body of Sonic the Hedge Hog. From 7am - 8:30pm he is on the go. Between doing back flips off the couch and having nervous breakdowns when his sister knocks over the lego house he tries to build everyday he is never ready to take a nap.

Ariana is now 2 years old and she runs this house. I've never meet a toddler who requires 45 mins of down time after being in daycare. A change of clothes, her Boo-Boo aka Pacifier and her crib must be ready as soon as she reaches home.

My days are longer and my nights are shorter but I wouldn't change it. (Maybe for a couple of million dollars.😂😂😂😂) I'm just joking, or am I???

Time to take you back on this crazy ride with me.


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