Thursday 4 May 2017

You take them OUT?????

IG, SnapChat, Facebook...these are places we go to showcase to the world what we are currently doing. Whether it's on vacation, at the nail salon, movies, dinner or park most of us have posted a little part of our lives on the internet. But when did it become mandatory?????

One day a friend of mine sent me a text asking if I wanted to accompany her and her kids to the Circus. But when I advised her that we already went her comment made me squint me eyes and re-read the text as if she was speaking a foreign language.

Her comment "Oh, Well you didn't post that you went on IG so I didn't know you already took your kids" made me realize how much people actual view your life through social media. (Who Knew??)

It took me 10 mins to respond to her because I wanted to make sure I came off friendly yet informative.  

My response "Yes girl, I took them to the circus on Tuesday. Next time you want to do something with the kids call me because I hardly post what I do with my children and I like to live in the moment when it comes to them. We are actually at the movies right now so I will hit you up later."

In the era we live in if you don't post every aspect of your life people assume that your not doing anything. If you don't post your mate they will assume your single or hiding them. If you don't post your children they assume you are not a good mother. When did having to prove something to strangers become the normal? Why would I be judged if I don't show pictures of me and my children on vacation, out eating, at an event?

The last time I checked my social media had my name on it not my children's name. Yes I post a few pictures of them but I choose what I want to post. I'm sure when my teenage son decides to get any social media account I will NOT be all over his page. LOL

 I came from the era of parents who took there kids out without having to broadcast it to the world. My father was a photographer and my parents walls are filled with child hood memories. But what I remember the most is them being PRESENT and in the moment. Not stopping me from being a kid to take 100 pictures just so they can upload 1 picture to THEIR social media account.  Most of the best pictures my parents have are not staged anyway.

85% of your followers are strangers and I'm sure they did not request me to see pictures of my 2 years old eating cotton candy at Coney Island or a video of my son showing me how to dab. 

But hey, What do I know!

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