Thursday 24 August 2017

What A Summer

This was the first summer in years that all my children stayed in New York for their summer vacation. Mind you, they all had plans of what they wanted to do and where they wanted to go before school let out. (Who Knew?)

So I asked my children what they wanted to do for their summer break and this is what I got.

Anthony: I'm going Florida with my cousin for 2 weeks then I'm coming back home to find a summer job so I can have my own money for back to school.

Antonio: I'm going to Trinidad. You have to send money so I can have a birthday Party by my auntie pool again and when I am ready I will come back home.

Ariana: I want my crib and my Ipad.

It's an amazing thing when children have such great imaginations. Because this is exactly how their summer went.

Anthony: Did not go to Florida, Did not find a summer job and only left his room to pass Go and collect money for food, games and a few outings with his friends.

Antonio: Did not go to Trinidad, We celebrated his birthday at Chucky Cheese and every day he asked to go to either Hawaii or Mexico.

Ariana: Went to school every day, missed all the weekday pool adventures with Antonio and only got to use her Ipad when she came home from school.

Moral of my blog, SEND YOUR CHILDREN AWAY FOR THE SUMMER. It's less expensive and you won't become addicted to Wine.