Wednesday 7 June 2017

Vacation for your Vacation

This past weekend I took my children on a surprise vacation.
(Mom tip #3B - When taking your kids out and you don't want to hear 1 million questions weeks, days in advance just don't tell them anything until you reach your destination.)

As your children grew you realize that they really don't pay too much attention to what's going on in the house. Hence why I was able to pack 2 suitcases full of clothes, shoes and toys and no one knew anything was missing. (Who Knew)

The day of the trip everyone went to school as normal and when they got home I advised them that we had to go out for a few. A cab was called, luggage was loaded and we where off to the airport. At this point not even my older son asked where we was going because he so busy with what was on his phone, Tonio only wanted to know why he had to take his book bag and the baby just wanted her pacifier.  Our flight left from Newark which meant it was about a 90 min cab ride. On the way there my younger son started to ask questions.

Where we going again?
Why haven't we reached?
Are we really going somewhere?
OMG we getting on a bridge?
Can we get off the bridge?
Are we reaching in the night?
Can we go to Chucky Cheese?
Are we going to the park?
Do you have snacks?
Another Bridge Mommy?

Tonio literally talked the full 90 mins to the airport. We arrived at the airport and I advised my older son to get the luggage out the trunk and it was then that he became confused. As I proceeded to the check out counter this was the only time that everyone was quite. After speaking to the agent I gave all three there boarding passes and the smiles on their faces where priceless. Of course Anthony spent 40 mins on his phone tell his friends that he would be missing school, Tonio had 1 million more questions and Ariana just wanted her tea (Milk for Americans).

How did you do this?
Where are my clothes?
Is there a pool?
How big is the plane?
Did you tell my teacher?
What time are we getting there?
You have snacks?

The weekend  was filled with lots of great memories and I am sure they are excited about where they might be going next. But after every family vacation Mommy needs a bottle of red wine and a mini vacation of her own.