Friday 15 May 2015

Cool Parent Ideas

During my 20 minute break from being a Mom/House cleaner/Maid/Referee/Cook I search the internet for fun ideas to the sanity in my house. Here are some of the creative and funny things I found. (Who Knew??)
This is amazing. Lets see how much bread they leave behind after this.

Take the stems and drop them in a glass, Add wine and it's Mommy Time.

For the kid who thinks there are monsters in the closet or under the bed. 

This is so cool. I am surprised I haven't thought of it myself.

Thursday 7 May 2015

10 Things Mom's DON'T want for Mother's Day

Mothers Day is coming up and if your still looking for a gift here are some things NOT to get for those special ladies in your life. (In no particular order)

  1. Pots or Pans ... We know you love our cooking, but give us a day not to be reminded that we are in the kitchen 24/7,
  2. Portraits of kids/grand kids or yourself. We know what ya'll look like.
  3. Teddy Bears..Unless your 4 years old and that's the money from your tooth fairy collection.
  4. Balloons...Unless your 4 years old and really buying the balloons so you can play with them.
  5. Flowers....Unless they are accompanied by a small box, gift bag or envelop.
  6. Mothers Day Party at home...Who has to clean up the mess when the party's done? ME aka MOM.
  7. A Day with the family.. Really, I don't think I have to explain why this is a bad gift idea.
  8. Big Screen TV....Between cleaning. cooking and the kids watching Paw Patrol when will this gift be of any use?
  9. Any Kitchen appliance....How about you save it for Fathers day and give it to mom then.
  10. Exercise equipment...Because I KNOW your not trying to tell us something.
Mothers day is very special so try and put a little bit more effort into a gift. FYI, homemade gifts are the BEST.

Wednesday 6 May 2015

Mental Health Day

You ever had one of those days where you just didn't care about anything your kids did????? Not because your a bad mother. But because you need a day to not care about how clean the house is, what food your going to cook, or what will Tonio break today.

I think all of use have one of those days at least once a month. Me personally have them every other weekend. This past Sunday was definitely one of those days.

My husband was away at work this weekend and missed his flight back Sunday morning. That's when my I don't care mood set in. My plans for an early lunch of Stew Chicken, Rice, Pie, Green Salad went right out the window. Hot dogs and nachos was the order for the day. Tonio ate about 15 fruit snacks with a sippy cup full of kool-aid. I put back the clothes I was suppose to wash and left the clothes I was suppose to fold up on the dinning room table. Anthony played his Xbox one until his eyes turned red. For lunch we ate nachos and M & M's on the couch while Tonio showed us how to make a pie out of playdoh. By dinner time the kids decided they wanted some real food. So I ordered Chinese food (Chicken wings and french fries). Usually by 7pm all the kids have had their showers and are in their beds. Well by 9pm Tonio finally advised me that he was tired and Ariana was knocked out on her playmate. After giving Tonio and Ariana a bath I put them to sleep. I think Anthony caught a hand cramp from playing video games all day because he was actually just watching tv in his room. By 10pm my loving husband was home from his trip. He was welcomed with a kitchen full of dishes, full garbage can, and no food. His only words to me where "You took a Mental Health Day?".